Category: Security Research

  • SMRMageddon!

    Social media and online interaction are dramatically changing the way our companies and employees interface with society at large. Recent examples of people tweeting or posting something silly or offensive and being responded to by doxxing or even threats of physical abuse are, unfortunately, becoming more common. Today SIRA member Alex Hutton and Ian Amit…

  • Yes, you knew exactly what you were walking into…

    I’m writing this in response to a very well put together article written by my friend Dave Lewis on CSO Online: “Are you a legitimate military target?“. In the article Dave talks about how security researchers, practitioners, and security vendors are suddenly “surprised” to find themselves potentially being under the scrutiny of foreign (and guess…

  • May the force? May in full force…

    Lack of updates here usually means that time constraints are in effect… But apparently all that work is paying off as some of the research we have been working on is starting to get front-and-center stage. May marks a busy month where I’ll be bouncing around a few places (São Paulo, North Carolina, and locally…

  • Killing (innovation) in the name of the law

    I am not a lawyer. Nor I want to be one. But fortunately I have enough education and practice around legal systems – domestic and international to be “dangerous” enough so I can actually get my job done wherever I need to. This, however, is a constant balancing act, especially in light of the proposed…

  • When a door is not a door

    This is going to be a short one, because so much has been written on this, and the level of (in)competence exhibited by so many people around this has almost driven me crazy. Yes, the Sony hack. Not going to comment on what has been done, what should have been done, the sophistication of the…